Info-Center - EQAR – committed to high quality of recycled building materials


A high quality of recycled building waste is the assumption for market success. By controlling the quality of recycled building materials on the basis of technological test criteria a high quality and an excellent suitability of them are ensured.


Quality guideline of EQAR

National member associations and companies committing themselves in writing to observe this quality guideline will be awarded the EQAR quality label for quality control systems.



  • EQAR supports a sustainable and ecological substance cycle in the sense of a recycling economy in construction.
  • EQAR promotes the production of high-quality, quality-controlled recycled building materials of mineral residual building masses.
  • EQAR supports environmental, resources and landscape protection by recycling building materials.
  • EQAR stands for a high construction and environmental engineering quality of recycled building materials.
  • EQAR regards itself as a lobbyist for recycling building materials and stands up for political, economic and legal basic conditions promoting a recycling economy.
  • EQAR claims responsibility for the quality of recycled products.
  • EQAR supports its members in implementing these aims certifying their quality control systems according to the following criteria:
  • Pre-selection of material input

Material for recycling shall be only accepted if a pre-selection has taken place during the demolition of the previous object/structure (“controlled demolition”). This is to minimize the input of hazardous materials and pollutants already in advance. The data must be documented.

  • Removal of materials with pollutants containing harmful substances

If, however, pollutants containing harmful substances are found in the material to be recycled this material must be removed or refused. This must be documented.

  • Input control secures input quality

A thorough input control will ensure the required quality and composition of the material input. The input control must be documented.

  • Processing of the recycled building material according to the requirements in conformity with EN 12620 and EN 13242

When using recycled building materials in the field where this European standard is applicable these requirements must be met.

  • Ensuring environmental compatibility in conformity with the relevant regulations of the national states

Proof of the suitability of the national regulations relating to environmental compatibility must be furnished by sampling and documented.

  • Quality assurance by rotational testing of the recycled products

A quality assurance system prescribing which regular tests will ensure the quality of the materials must be developed and adopted.

  • Transparency of quality assurance by documenting the test results of the recycled building materials tested

All data obtained on the basis of the above-mentioned criteria of the quality assurance system must be documented to ensure transparency for the client.