Association membership
As European roof organization of building material recycling EQAR represents national quality associations and quality-oriented companies of the branch in the European Community (EU) and its political and legislative bodies.
Hereby, one of the priorities is the engagement for harmonizing the requirements to recycled building materials produced from the whole selection of construction and demolition wastes incl. industrial by-products(recycled building materials, soils, ashes etc.). in addition to the all-embracing representation of interests of the European recycled building material branch the Association supports spreading of the idea of quality protection and quality assurance of recycled building materials on European level.
At the same time, EQAR accompanies the European legislative, administrative and economic developments affecting building material recycling in the mean term or immediately. In so far by early exerting influence and wherever possible it ensures that the interests of the branch are safeguarded and taken into consideration in the sense of quality management.
For these purposes the Association fulfils the following functions:
- supporter and, at the same time, representative of recovery and secondary raw material industry on European level
- underlining of the work of its members for a sustainable recycling
Promotion of harmonized and international requirements to recycled building materials as sustainable and equivalent alternative to primary raw materials
- promotion of the marketability of quality-assured products and thus of the competitiveness and the images of the members (national associations and companies)
- provision of a suitable platform to offer all-embracing information relating to recovery and recycling of construction and demolition wastes to the members
- platform ensuring the communication for the members on the subjects commerce, technology, law, economy, standardization and environmental protection
- coordination of the activities of the Association and focussing of competences within EQAR.
Sending the application for admission you as a national association/company express your interest in a respective membership in EQAR realizing, at the same time, the standard items and the actual Articles of the Association (rights and duties of the members).
The type of membership (direct/sponsoring member) proceeds from the provisions of the
Articles of the Association (§ 3). It regulates equally the decision on your application to be made by the Executive Board. The Office of the Association will inform you without dely on the result.
Ten reasons for the valuable admission to the Association
By becoming a member of the European roof association of building material EQAR:
you will
- profit from the contact and the valuable connections of an international network for recycled building materials,
- profit from know-how transfer relating to problems of quality assurance and the quality idea in producing high-quality and quality-controlled recycled building materials and
- profit from an early-warning function and punctual control of ordinance enactment procedures in EU bodies in the fields of waste, environment, media protection, raw materials and construction
- exert direct influence on the market presence and marketability of quality assured recycled products
- control and essentially regulate the implementation of necessary research and development subjects in the recycled building material sector
- get an exclusive access to information only accessible to members with actual reports on subjects relevant to recycling from Europe and you will obtain free of charge (at reduced costs) leaflets, rules and manuals prepared or distributed by the Association.
- be given the possibility of preferable presentations at events organized by EQAR (in the framework of exhibitions, fairs, information events, special reports) and
- be provided the possibility of a link switching in the web portal of the Association : www.eqar.info to support your PR work
- be a welcome participant in EQAR congresses and further association-relevant events
- make a valuable contribution to harmonizing the requirements and to strengthening building material recycling in a European recycling society for your branch and your company.